November 07, 2020

SplodyFalcons are GO!

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 11:10 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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November 06, 2020

Scrolling Through the Headlines......

....I'm seeing: 

Election News

Election News

Scary Election News 

Stupid Election News 

Election News

Election News

Hot Takes on Election News

Election News

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 01:58 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 65 words, total size 2 kb.

November 05, 2020

A Compromise Proposal

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:18 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 3 words, total size 1 kb.

November 04, 2020

Nothing to See Here. Move Along

Watch on Bitchute

Nothing to see here either.

Also: A person named Jason Demoine Daniel voted in last night's election (In Michigan). He voted Absentee, which, I suppose is fine since, having been born in 1850, he's probably quite frail. He was 11 at the start of the Civil War, he saw the nation transition from agricultural, developing country to industrial powerhouse. What things this person might have seen; Passenger Pigeons, American Locusts, the first cars and planes, Hell, given his proximity to Illinois, he might have witnessed The Great Chicago Fire! There is no telling what knowledge he might be able to impart to us. We should have some historians go interview this amazing human resource.

Unless....his longevity is due to him being a Dracula or something. In that case send monster hunters. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:58 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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First They Came For The Oppai...Then They Came For The Rogue A.I.

A few months ago we noted that an American V-Tuber with the admittedly spicy name Oppai Pantsu was banned for a TOS violation. The violation was that Twitch retroactively decided that "Oppai" was a banned word on the platform. They had never mentioned this and had not given the girl the opportunity to change it. She had to re-launch her channel under the name Oppapan and lost her Partner status. Her channel has never really recovered its once impressive viewership (no one can search for her under her old name). 

Today, Projekt Melody got the same treatment, though there is, as yet, no indication as to why. 

No indication at all...Just a pink screen. 

What's weird is that despite Projekt Melody's other channel, her Twitch stream was fairly inoffensive (double entendre's notwithstanding). Projekt Melody was an entertaining Twitch streamer. She was no pro-gamer, but she was enthusiastically learning video games and her streams were enjoyable in large part because of her enthusiasm and dry wit. She did a lot to help up-and coming streamers by leveraging her sudden celebrity. Despite her official backstory (She is a rogue A.I. damnit. That is her story and she is sticking to it!) there was a remarkable sense of sincerity and fun in in her show. 

This is really bizarre, I'm not sure what Twitch is up to aside from drunkenly swinging the banhammer. 

I do note that Melody was one of the few streamers that spoke up in defense of those Holo-Live girls that got temporarily banned last month


Hambly can't spell "extortion" which is unfortunate as that is the reason for Melody's absence. A DMCA notice was filed by her character designer, apparently  in breach of contract. 

As per Wonderduck in the comments, Melody is back

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:27 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Take of the Day

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:46 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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November 03, 2020

I've Got to go to Work

But this may be a leading indicator. 

The Yuan is tanking. Apparently the CCP is suffering some sort of reversal as of 23:21 Tuesday evening.  

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 11:20 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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While We Await the Inevitable Chaos...

...let's take a moment to appreciate just how darned gorgeous this MOBILE game is. 

...and what a good editor Kuro Ailfa is. 

I am highly tempted to start playing this, know...gacha. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 01:23 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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...a woman named Arianna will comment on my blog, expressing praise for my hot take on some subject. She'll find my humor engaging, and want to get to know me better. She will be my soul mate. 

And I'll delete her comment because I'll assume she's that damned bot. 

"The tragic life of a blogger is tragic." 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Aside from two or three midterm elections and a similar number of primaries, I have missed zero elections since 1988. I don't think I've EVER seen a line quite as long as the one I stood in this morning, except possibly 2008. 

The fellow behind me had had to leave and get additional clothing earlier in the morning (It was quite cold and windy) He noted that the line earlier had been longer still and gone completely around the school. 

The line was so long that it extended far enough out that city council and school board candidates could legally pitch themselves to voters in line, which they did with much verve and enthusiasm. I found this welcome since it is terribly hard to find out anything about city council or school board candidates who are, by law, not allowed to express a political affiliation. This is he first time in years that I've voted for local offices and not felt that I was just throwing darts. 

The line, for all its length moved quite fast and I was out in just over an hour. 

In stark contrast to the acrimony we see on the news, everyone was civil, pleasant, and supportive of everyone else doing their civic duty, and it was a very diverse crowd, with people of all ethnicities in outfits ranging from suits to coveralls. 

Now.....we wait.

(And wait and wait and wait, since, according to the radio just now,  Governor Moloch McBlackface has said that the state will count ballots that come in by....Friday*. )

*A quick web search turned up nothing corroborating that, but it may be breaking as I type this. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:55 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 278 words, total size 2 kb.

November 02, 2020

Why are MY Comments

...and not Arianna the Enterprising Salesbot being blocked as spam? 

As opposed to the good kind of SPAM as rendered here by OmeNo

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:44 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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One More Day


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:47 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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November 01, 2020

When the Crash WAS Your Fault

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 6 words, total size 1 kb.

October 31, 2020

Everyone be Careful Driving this Evening

Because it's that day that ghosts, goblins, zombies, and vampires are most likely to be non-compliant with quarantines and lockdowns....for they HUNGER. 


No matter how scary they may be, if they come to your door, don't do this...

Instead, take the opportunity to do safety checks on your equipment. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 04:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 56 words, total size 1 kb.

October 30, 2020

As Part of The General Compliance With the Standards and Practices of Current Year

APPLE has bought the Peanuts Holiday specials

They will be aired on APPLE TV only and not shown on TV until after the holidays. 

Brickmuppet Blog has, therefore, taken it upon ourselves to partially fill the void in Peanuts spoopy content. 

It's important to note that this travesty was committed by APPLE and not some completely different company that might or might not be mentioned in the comments. .

One more thing. (Scarcely worth mentioning.) 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:11 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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October 29, 2020

The Plot Thickens...Thins, and Thickens Again.

When TuCa revealed last night that a shipment of documents containing damaging information to Biden had gone missing in transit, he went through the procedures that the company took. Having been a clerk in the shipping industry  some years ago, I was pretty sure what company it was from the procedures described. Sure enough, it was, in fact U.P.S. and they announced today that they had found the documents

I suspect, (with no evidence whatsoever) that they did what we did when someone informed us that they had lost something that looked very much like trash, they locked out the trash compactor and had their facility's equivalent of the Brickmuppet sift through it piece by piece. 

Years ago some smooth-brain decided that he could ship a panel of reinforced impact resistant glass with no other packing material than an address label taped to the bare glass. The problem was, that those windows were laminated glass and even the slightest "thwack" on the SIDE would cause it to delaminate and shatter. 

Eventually the window made it all the way from Utah to Virginia without incident until someone dinged it on the edge while putting it on the shelf of the truck for delivery. 

When it delaminated (quite spectacularly IIRC) it destroyed the label. I wrote it up as a panel of bullet-proof glass with the label destroyed and discarded it. 

The next day I was called from unloading trucks back to the clerk station which was covered in account executives and engineers. Turns out, it was one of the space shuttle windows for the cargo bay and NASA was furious that we had somehow lost their indestructible window. I explained that yes, I had processed a damage that fit that description, and it had had no packing whatsoever and had struck on its edge when being loaded on the truck and...I'd put it in the dumpster as of no salvageable value. 

I then got a stern talking down to by some civil servant explaining that the window was supposed to be indestructible and that astronauts lives were at risk and this was beyond my pay grade, so I went out to the trash compactor, had the plant engineer lock it out and recovered the very heavy slabs of broken glass and as much of the plastic and dust as I could recover. During this time the government employee expressed his absolute astonishment that an uncredentialed individual such as myself (which he referred to by various non-complementary slang terms for southern white folks) was allowed to even go near something as important as this piece of kit. After recovering the space shuttle window I explained to one of the NASA employees who was not HickHater that laminated glass cannot take blows to the side and if there had been so much as a bit of cardboard along the edge, the window would have been fine, and that if a meteor entered the window from the side, it was passing through the bulkhead perpendicular to the axis of the shuttle and that there would be greater concerns than the integrity of the window. He laughed and agreed that basic packing was needed (he was an engineer, not a...whatever effete hysteric the other guy was) and they took their window crumbs and left. 

I've been in dumpsters to get academic papers, spreadsheets and all manner of things, because U.P.S. does actually give a damn. 

Well, that was a digression....

Hopefully there was no foul play with these Biden papers, and it was just something like a poorly sealed envelope.  We should find out what horrors reside within them tonight or tomorrow. 

Also: Tucker, SEND COPIES not originals. "The dog ate my homework" is never a valid excuse. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 04:18 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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You can get it on Amazon

The last time I tried to get a Japanese beverage off Amazon it was 212 dollars a bottle.  

I demurred. 

Relevant art is by Huwari. Support him on Fanbox.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 02:49 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Finally, 2 Months Early, We Get to Discuss Something that is NOT a 2020 Headline

2068 is gonna be lit!

We've discussed Apophis before, but not recently...we were still on Blogspot back then. Basically Apophis is an Earth crossing asteroid that someone decided to tempt fate by naming after an Egyptian god of destruction. In late 2005 there was some speculation that it would impact the Earth in 2036, but subsequent calculations indicated that was not actually the case. 

 Computer model of Apophis from Wikipedia

Now, in 2020, astronomers looked at the space rock's most recent pass and amended their amendment to their calculations with the result that they think this dollop of deep-space detritus has a 0.00067% chance of impacting the earth with the force of 1.2 gigatons of TNT in 2068. 

This is not a high probability event, but if it comes to pass it is a very consequential, as a blast yield of 1200 megatons is a, shall we say, impactful, event no matter where on Earth it happens.  Furthermore, this asteroid tends to have close calls frequently, meaning that in the long term, an eventual impact is almost certain. 

The good news is that we've got plenty of time to mitigate this and try, fail, and try again to deflect the object and still have time to reflect upon and learn from mistakes made and lessons learned. 

The Brickmuppet's Crack team of Science Babes begin training to take care of business. 

For instance: The next time one discovers an Earth crossing asteroid, name it Fluttershy or Snorlax rather than after some ancient Egyptian god of chaos and death. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:53 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 283 words, total size 3 kb.

October 28, 2020

I Predict Rain Tomorrow

At least this is only a cat 2. New Orleans doesn't need any more abuse this season. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:38 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 21 words, total size 1 kb.

Meanwhile: In the World of Game Development

Perhaps, but how about you just say that you missed a comma or a period in the last tweet?

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 26 words, total size 1 kb.

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